Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pop Quiz Day!

Answer any or all of the questions in the comments.  Pick and choose, or do them all.  Keep answers simple, or elaborate all you want! 

Come on, how long has it been since you've had a pop quiz?  Play along! 

1.) True or false:  Treadmill running is a last resort choice.

2.)  True or false:  Running in cold weather is better than running in super hot heat.

3.)  True or false:  Stretching after a run is important.

4.) Circle one:  I  always/never/sometimes stretch after running. 

5.) Circle one:  I always/never/sometimes listen to music when running. 

6.) Circle one:  I always/never/sometimes check out other people's running style when I'm running.

7.) Fill in the blank:  I currently have __________ different pairs of running shoes in my rotation.

8.) Fill in the blank:  When it comes to my running, I wish I could improve _______________.

9.)  Fill in the blank:  The best thing about my running is _______________.

10.) Quick fire short answers: 
             a) Favorite drink on a long run _______________
             b) Favorite fuel on a long run _______________
             c) Favorie piece of running gear _______________
             d) Favorite time of day to run _______________
11.)  True or false:  Running itself is WAY better than taking random quizzes. 

12.)  True or false:  I'm curious about other reader's responses to these questions.

You're done! 
And if you answered TRUE to number 12, you better leave an/some answer/s in the comments so others can see your responses, too!   *wink*

I'll put my answers in the comments, too... 


Maria said...

1.) Treadmill running is a last resort choice. TRUE

2.) Running in cold weather is better than running in super hot heat. TRUE

3.) Stretching after a run is important. TRUE

4.) I always/never/sometimes stretch after running. SOMETIMES

5.) I always/never/sometimes listen to music when running. SOMETIMES

6.) I always/never/sometimes check out other people's running style when I'm running. SOMETIMES bordering on NEVER

7.) I currently have __________ different pairs of running shoes in my rotation. THREE

8.) When it comes to my running, I wish I could improve _______________. RIGHT NOW, CONSISTENCY

9.) The best thing about my running is _______________. IT FEELS QUITE EFFORTLESS

10.) Quick fire short answers:
a) Favorite drink on a long run _______________ NUUN IN WATER
b) Favorite fuel on a long run _______________ MIX OF GELS & SHOTBLOCKS
c) Favorite piece of running gear _______________ NYLON NIKE VEST
d) Favorite time of day to run _______________ EVENING, POST WORK

11.) Running itself is WAY better than taking random quizzes. TRUE

12.) 'm curious about other reader's responses to these questions. TRUE

solarpowered said...

1. T
2. T
3. T
4. sometimes
5. sometimes
6. always
7. 2
8. my body. A leaner body would make running easier
9. the peace it brings
a) Nuun tablets in water
b) powerbar vanilla gels
c) Champion long tank tops
d) morning
11. T
12. T

solarpowered said...

Maria! We're practically twins! Thanks for playing!

Aimee said...

1) usually true, but on rare occasions, by choice
2) usually true, except when ice is involved, then I'd much prefer hot and humid
3) true, so I should be more consistent about it
4) sometimes
5) never
6) never
7) one
8) not sure... speed over longer distances??
9) Even when I'm not feeling it in the first few miles, once I get past mile four I usually feel like I could keep going and going and going. That's a good feeling.
10 a) powerade zero/water mix
b) clif shot blocks and/or powerade gels ...and bubble gum
c) my watch
d) early morning
11) true
12) true