Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Pomp, Tradition, Pageantry... and a solid run.

As a public school teacher, I had off from work yesterday for MLK Jr Day.  While I'm sure everyone reading this did the wonderful thing of volunteering, I did not.  I know, that makes me a terrible person. 

Instead, I met my sister for a 9 mile run around the river, then did this, then watched the second inauguration of President Obama.  I love watching history unfold in live events.  I'm always intrigued by the pomp and pageantry and traditions of things like this.  I was glued to my tv when William and Kate got married, and during the Queen's Jubilee.  I stayed in on a Friday night to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremonies (and closing!). 

I am drawn to the traditions that carry from centuries ago. I am drawn to the show that is put on -- for us (the country) and for countries around the world.  I love the pageantry of it all, and I hope that somewhere there is a child watching who, after seeing the festivities of today, may be drawn to being a part of all of this her/himself one day. 

So I didn't volunteer, but I also had doctor's orders to keep my feet up for the rest of the day.  It was a good time to get more trip planning done, and grade a few papers...

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