Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chilly Recharging

The SUN was out today.  On my 11 mile run this morning and through the afternoon, the sun was shining.  It was so needed. 

In fact, I was in such need of solar recharging that I plopped myself onto my deck with my face in the sun, despite the chilly wind keeping the temps cool. 

Lemonade, papers to grade, and, um, a People magazine.
I bundled up in my puffy coat, wrapped my legs in my compression socks, and completely ignored the grading I had to do.  I read the People magazine instead (look closely -- William and Kate are on the cover.  I'm planning on stalking looking for the new princess while in Wales!). 

And then, I closed my eyes and soaked it in. 
My hair looks crazy from the wind.  My face looks all crunched up behind those glasses because I'm SQUINTING from the bright light while I'm taking this picture.  It's been so long since we've had such a clear, sunny day, my eyes weren't used to it.  Or maybe it's only been a few days.  Whatever -- it felt like a lifetime. 

It was chilly today, but that sunshine was awesome.  SO needed.  Amazing what even a few minutes of solar recharging can do! 


Joan X said...

very nice blog and original photography.

Greetings from Barcelona (Spain)

solarpowered said...

Thanks, JoanX!