Sunday, January 6, 2013

I wasn't expecting that!

I woke up this morning to this:
Snow!  Which I wasn't expecting at all!  Kind of beautiful, even though I had no idea it was supposed to snow, and I don't usually like snowy, icy roads in my life.

I knew it was icy when I watched these runners have a hard time with their footing:

Despite that, I headed out to meet my sister for some miles.  We quickly had to change the plan, because it was really icy and slippery.  We realized the stretch of road in front of my development was actually pretty clear, so back and forth we went.  It's about a half mile from end to end, so it took a few loops, but I ended up with 5 slow, easy miles in some crisp, fresh air. 

As the day went on, the sun came out and temps warmed up and the snow melted and the streets cleared pretty quickly. 

And then the second thing happened that I wasn't expecting. 

I was meeting a guy for coffee.  For a first date.  I got showered and spiffy and got there on time.  And looked around.  And waited.  And he never showed up.  So I got hot chocolate and sat outside in the warming sun and he still never showed up. 

I wasn't expecting that. 

So I headed home and sat on my porch for a bit to enjoy the end of what turned out to be a beautiful weather day.  Can't beat waking up to some snow and having it all melted by the end of the day! 

Anything happen to you lately that you weren't expecting? 

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