Wednesday, January 2, 2013


One of the things I let slide after breaking my elbow was my yoga practice.  I really couldn't even do a solid push up until late August, but by the fall I kept thinking I need to get back to yoga.  I went to a community class at the yoga studio last week, and tonight I returned to the class my favorite instructor teaches. 

The room was about 95* and within minutes I was sweating.  A sharp contrast from my run this afternoon in the 30* cold outside, but I love it.  I love the meditative practice of vinyasa flow power yoga.  I love pushing myself and my body to stretch and strengthen in a way that I couldn't do on my own.  I love the feeling of working hard and dripping with sweat.  I love the peace of shavasana.  And this time of year, I love the invigorating wash of cold air as I step out of the hot studio after a fantastic class. 

I still need to work on the strength in my left arm, but yoga makes me better...  so I bought a new class card and I'm back in the practice.

Oh - and I got some delicious Kiwi frozen yogurt for dinner on the way home.  What?  It's non-fat, no sugar added vanilla, loaded with lots of strawberries and blueberries on top!  Healthy dinner!  (Yes, and a couple blocks of chocolate chip cookie dough.  Dessert!)


What brings you peace each day?

1 comment:

Aimee said...

What brings me peace? Those few minutes when I am getting ready to pick my kids up from school. I love seeing their faces as they exit the building.

And, shhhhh..... I ran 3 miles to warm up and then did a beginners vinyasa yoga DVD today... Pretend you didn't hear me say that....