Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cold Wind! Gloves!

We've had a cold, blustery few days recently.  The temperature has been in the 30's, but the wind chill in the 20's.  I realize this isn't that cold, but my hands get cold really easily, so for me, this blustery wind has meant I needed to dig out the warm gloves. 

I love these gloves for several reasons, in no particular order:
  • They are gloves, but you can pull the mitten shield out of that little pocket on the back of the hand and that shield makes all the difference in the wind. 
  • There are slits in the index fingers and thumbs that allow you to use your phone or whatever (I don't carry my phone when I run, but if I did, this would be important). 
  • A little clip by the wrist holds the two gloves together when I wash them or throw them in the drawer -- no more losing one!
  • The wrist coverage is longer than my other gloves without being too long.  Just right.
  • They came with a blinky light!   I forgot to put it in the picture, but it recharges with a USB, and it clips onto a slit on the glove or you can put it on your shirt or wherever! 
I have basic knit gloves for my sort-of cold days, but these Saucony glove/mittens have become my new best friend on the colder, windy days we've been having!

What keeps you warm on your runs? 


Aimee said...

I might need those glove/mittens....

Alison said...

Those look great - I think I need to pick up a pair!