Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Being in a FUNK and what to do about it!?

I've mentioned several times lately that I'm hating January.  I haven't been comfortable with my running, I haven't been comfortable with my weight and body, and I'm feeling pretty unmotivated with my workouts.  I kept saying that's typical for me for January, but the fact is, I looked at my running log from last January and those feelings weren't happening this time last year.  (It is interesting to note, though, that I did log many notes about these exact feelings toward the end of February and the beginning of March.  Hmm)

Anyway, I've put some thinking into WHY I'm feeling this way, and what I can do to move out of this funk.  Be warned -- this may be a long post without any fun pictures!  I'll make up for that tomorrow :)

Reasons why I may be in a FUNK:

1) I'm doing too much -- I'm working 6 days a week. I'm dealing with a lot of stressful stuff at my career job.  I'm working out at least 6 days a week.  I'm currently planning a huge summer trip to Wales/London.  I'm dealing with my NYC marathon details for this November.  I'm planning my trip to the Keys at the end of March.  I'm successfully ignoring the work that needs to be done in my spare bedroom, while being reminded every time I walk by that room that I need to get the work done.  I'm successfully ignoring the hot mess that is my loft/bedroom, while being constantly reminded by the clothes all over the place that I need to weed stuff out.  I'm doing too much, and I think it's draining me even though I don't always feel physically exhausted.  I'm mentally shot at times, and physically wanting to just s.t.o.p. at other times.  Spending the whole day just lounging around my house sounds like it could be awesome, but when I try to chill on the couch for a couple hours after work I start to feel like I'm wasting my daylight.  Ugh. 
2) The skies are GREY -- it IS January, after all.  Little daylight, lack of sunshine, chilly temps.  All this makes me feel like I'm in hibernation mode.  And pale.  And lacking in vitamin D.  Nothing good about all that, in any way, shape or form. 
3) **warning: raw honesty ahead**  I'm feeling ALONE.  Like no one cares.  I know that people do care, but if no one is paying attention, why do I bother?   It's been a while since I've been in a relationship (official or not) where I feel like someone cares about my day to day, about how I am, about what I'm up to.  I miss having a boyfriend, or at least a guy to spend time with.  Online dating is annoying and not working.  Real-life opportunities aren't happening.  My friends aren't really reaching out much these days.  Most of the time I try to not let this bother me, but it has been lately. It would just be nice to have someone or anyone, really, care about what I'm up to and how I'm doing.  Having my mom or dad check in with me counts, but not really -- they're my parents!  :) 
4) The second half of this year is going to be packed with training, so why not slack now?  I'm registered for the Wales marathon in the middle of July and then the NYC marathon the first weekend in November.  Once I start Wales training, I'll be in marathon mode until after NYC.  I haven't thought about how best to recover from Wales before jumping right into NYC.  I know people do marathons way closer together all the time, but I'm nervous about my calves, and I want to enjoy both days.  I'll have to be smart, and so right now, why not slack a bit?  It'll be a loaded spring through the end of fall. 
5) My weight is up -- Although I don't deviate all that much from my normal eating through the holidays, and I actually work out more because of my vacation time, I'm about 8 or so pounds heavier than I'm comfortable with.  THIS does usually happen in January, and I do usually shed the weight by spring, but I hate feeling this way.   

SO -- Those are the reasons I can come up with that I'm feeling blah. 
Here's what I'm thinking I should do about it:

1) Ride it out -- really, this kind of stuff is an ebb and flow, right?  It'll pass.  It always does.  It's ok to succumb to some down time.  Some hibernation.  It's a renewal time.  A re-energize time.  You have until the end of January, since you've blamed this month, and then you move forward.  The funk will pass. 
2) Prepare for training ahead -- As I said in number 4 above, once I start preparing for Wales I'll be in marathon mode until after November 3rd.  That's a long period of training.  It's ok to run less now.  Which leads to...
3) It's ok to take a break -- I'm not training for anything right now.  I'm not unhealthy, I'm not going to lose all my fitness.  It mentally freaks me out to take a day off from working out, but we all know how important rest is.  I'm getting older, and I want to keep running for the rest of my life.  Giving my body some rest time, some down time, especially with the year ahead, is smart.  Right? 
4) But, EARN YOUR SHOWER!  -- Even if I'm allowing myself some down time, I need to keep exercising.  Situps and push-ups in the morning.  Swimming.  Yoga.  Maybe even get on the bike trainer.  It's ok to back off the running a little, but do something every day to earn that shower.  One rest day a week is good.  More than that is unacceptable.  And if I need a reminder...
5) Create a visual motivator  -- I'm going to make a sign.  Or hang some post-its.  Maybe set a reminder on my phone.  Earn your shower.  Get moving.  Do something.  Maybe I'll make a calendar that I mark daily when I work out so I can visually SEE the movement out of the slump.  I think I'll add mini-goals for organizing the spare room and my bedroom on that calendar, too. 
6) Set your plan for Wales -- find the date that official training should start.  Look forward to it.  Get excited about it.  Let the anticipation of that trip and that race pull you out of this.  And enjoy it! 

This is all so weird, because I want to work out.  I want to sweat.  I want to swim and run and feel good.  It just feels like January is hanging a cloud over my motivation.  I'm going to keep enjoying my work at the running store, and grabbing drinks with friends when that happens, and working on moving out of this slump.  Who knows what good things may come?  Stay tuned for how this all plays out!


KP said...

nice to see you back at it all...

Aimee said...

That's a lot of thinking and analyzing. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing; I think self awareness is important. But I do think you need a break more often than you currently give yourself one. Yes, we get the notion of earning your shower, but can you find some satisfaction in not beating yourself up if you DO take a reset/do nothing day? With all that you do, you've earned it.

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

When I first announced I was getting divorced, friends and family came out of the woodwork and rallied and kept me busy. Then they needed to go back to their own lives. And I was alone. And sad. So I wallowed. Then I decided ENOUGH and I reached out to people and made dinner dates and happy hour plans and running get togethers. And it helped that I took the initiative. People were still there - still cared. They just got busy. I'm sure your friends and family feel the same way. Make it a goal the next weeks in January to call a couple friends and schedule things a couple days each week. If it interferes with a run, let it take precedence. Guarantee you will feel better - to get out and be social.

If I were closer, I'd meet you for happy hour! :-)

Microscope World said...

#3 - the raw and honest one - I can related to completely. KNOW that people care and that you are important and loved. I struggle with this a lot, but stick with it - you are very special even when a boy isn't there telling you that you are :)

Happy weekend!!!