Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jetty + Waves4Water East Coast Rising event

What an amazing event.  I've talked before about how Jetty + Waves4Water has helped my brother rebuild his store on Long Beach Island, NJ.  The amount of help this combined organization has provided is staggering:  more than $200,000 given directly back to the local community to rebuild and restore homes and businesses hit by Superstorm Sandy. 

Last night they held a fundraiser event (that's the pic above) and they asked my sister-in-law to speak as someone who has directly benefitted from the aid they've provided.  It was a fantastic night.  And, any time I get to spend with my brother is an added bonus. 

We paid $20 each for our tickets, and with over 300 people in attendance, the event was sold out (by Thursday, actually!).  We paid an additional $10 for beer and wine, and there were silent auction items as well as a raffle for other items through the night.  There was a small buffet of food that was included with your ticket price, and the viewing of the film.  I heard today that they raised over $15,000 last night, and immediately wrote 4 $5,000 checks to different people/businesses in the community.  Outstanding. 

There was also a table set up with postcards that gave information about the relief efforts on LBI and urging people to come visit and support local businesses.  Those of us attending were urged to bring addresses of people outside the area that we could send those postcards to -- and there were even stamps provided so we could do it right then and there.  Keeping the efforts moving forward.  Fantastic. 

As the amazing evening came to a close, we were given "goodie bags" to take with us. 
Cans of drinking water, a surf calendar, a Jetty knit hat, several can cozies, a ready pac meal (I'm intrigued!  I've never tried one!), a packet of the postcards, various stickers and flyers, and two nose/mouth masks (which I, upon first glance after many glasses of wine, thought were weird diapers or something!).  Fun! 

While I was there, and even moreso afterwards, I was so heartened by the sense of community and caring that was evident amongst all who were there.  You could feel such a cool vibe in that room, and it carried through conversations last night and reflections today.  A truly amazing event, put on by an even more incredible group of people.  I've known the founder of Jetty for many years, and I've worked with him in the past, and it was so great to be able to thank him (and his partner) in person for all their help.  Really wonderful people. 

And when I woke up this morning, this is what I saw across the street from my parents' house:
So you know I had a great run before leaving the shore :)

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