Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Swimming, rain, sushi, and riesling.

Good combination, right? 

It was a rainy afternoon, and I had planned a legs-free day anyway -- so I did core work this morning and then hit the pool after work.  Did an easy 20 laps, then pushed 10 laps, then did another easy 10.  2000 yards.  Pretty solid swim for my once-a-week visit into the pool. 

But, as always, I was STARVING after swimming.  What's up with that?  I'm not even this hungry after running for twice as long! 

So I stopped at Wegmans on my way home and had them make me some yummy sushi (tip -- ask them to make what you want!  They will, and it's usually fresher than the stuff sitting in the cold case). 

And just because I felt like it, I opened up this, too.
It was a Christmas gift and it's been taking up space in the fridge.  It's actually quite tasty!  Add in some girl talk with my neighbor over the sushi and wine, and that's a pretty good end to the rainy day. 

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