Friday, March 4, 2011


Most of my swimming is just long consecutive lap swims.  Sometimes I do intervals, sometimes I do some kicking only and pulling only laps, but mostly I just swim and count laps.

I stink at keeping count.

I tried to do sets of 5 laps, and I'd count them by my sister's name -- her name has 5 letters, so I'd just spell out her name every time I completed a lap.  Then I switched it up and started doing sets of 8 laps.  Somehow, I found it a little easier count laps this way.  I really have no idea why.

No matter how I count, I usually get to a point where I lose track.  Or I get exasperated that I've only done ___ number of laps.  Or the counting gets monotonous.  I spend the entire swim focused on what lap I'm on, and that contributes to me not liking my swim time much.

And then I found sportcount. 
This little stopwatch-type device is awesome!  I think it's a little pricey at $29.99 for this model, but I paid it, plus about $5 for shipping.  This is the combo model, and it does several functions:
  • Counts laps
  • stopwatch function keeps track of overall swim time
  • shows split time when you hit the lap button (but it doesn't record them)
  • notes fastest lap, slowest lap, average lap time in summary at end of workout
I could have ordered a lesser model that would just count laps, or a more expensive model that actually records each split time for review later.  This middle of the road model is just fine for me.

So when I was at the pool at 5am yesterday morning, and I wasn't feeling fully awake and sharp yet, I didn't have to think through my entire time in the pool.  All I had to do was remember to hit the button with my thumb whenever I finished a lap.  I did 2000 consecutive yards without really thinking about it.  I was able to think about other stuff -- like I do when I'm running.  And somehow, a long swim at 5am was actually good.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Awesome! But, I will no longer be (ok, in name only...) a part of your laps...... boo hiss. :)