Thursday, April 1, 2010

I haven't given up

on this blog.
on my running.

But things keep getting turned upside down and inside out. I've barely been able to keep the tears inside my eyes.

I found out some answers to all this craigslist stuff, but not ALL the answers I need. And what I found out may be even worse than not knowing at all. I now don't know who I can trust, who I can believe, what to think. Friendships have been broken.

But I haven't given up on the one thing in this crazy month that's been a constant.
My running.

March ended as my highest mileage month ever -- 242.4 miles. This week will be my highest week ever after Saturday's run -- 61+ miles.

And my legs still work.

My heart hurts, and my being feels heavy, and my mind is constantly swirling, but my running is still here, and it's working right now.

I'm not giving up.


Mindi said...

Wow. That is awful. I am so sorry whatever is going on. Those are some sweet miles you are laying down though. Keep and keepin on and find a smile. It is more worth it than not.

Maggs said...

I hope it's all resolved for you soon. 242 miles is a lot. Nice job. Keep on running.

Maria said...

Congrats on the weekly and monthly highs! Seems so often that our highs are accompanied by lows, just wish it wasn't of this variety for you - hang in there!

KP said...

Keep plugging away. Nice work on the weekly and monthly totals! I'm jealous.

Charisa said...

Ohhhh how awful on the CL thing! Hang in there - glad you have been able to run. I'm thinking of you!

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Lots of sucky stuff to deal with, for sure. But good for you for still having running be your constant. With those mileage numbers you are gonna have a great race in Illinois! Can't wait!