Thursday, December 4, 2008

I need a few things

Today I needed a good 6 miles. (For the record, they ended up pretty good.)

While I was running, I needed my legs to not feel so heavy.
I needed to not feel like I had 10 extra pounds on me.

I need some direction in my running. I'm not sure what paces are appropriate for me anymore. I'm not sure what my next goal race should be, and what I should focus my training on.

While I'm at it, I need some new clothes. I hate clothes shopping, and much of what I have has been in my closet since I was a size 8.

I need someone to come in and clean my house. I hate doing that stuff.

I need to drink more water. I haven't been drinking enough lately.

I need more sunlight. I'm going to work in the dark and getting home with maybe an hour of daylight left.

I'm sure I could list a whole bunch of other things I need. And if I really think about it, most of this list consists of wants, not needs. I realize that.

But today, I feel like I need these things.


Aimee said...

Can't make your legs feel lighter for ya.
Can't make YOU feel lighter.
Can't tell ya what pace or what race to run.
Can't force water in ya.
Can't provide more sunlight for ya.
BUT I CAN shop!
And I can clean! (Well, hire a cleaning service and then let me clear-out and organize!!!!!!!!) Just let me have at it at your house! I dare ya! :)

Maggs said...

I'm with ya. I need all those things too. Except the sunshine. I can't complain about that right now. And I hate shopping too!

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Yep, the sunlight thing sucks. It's dark when I leave and dark when I get back.