Thursday, June 9, 2011

Inappropriate Heat

Seriously?  It's early June!  It's New Jersey!  It's inappropriate!

I swam 2500 yards in the pool this afternoon.  Pretty solid swim.  Then I went to hot yoga.  It was actually hotter outside with those 101* temps than it was in the studio, which was about 98*.  Still, I was wetter in that class than I ever have been on dry land in my whole life.  It was like I was one of those water sprinklers with all the holes in it -- water was just pouring out/off of me.  It was like I just stepped out of the pool, but almost worse!  My fingers were pruned by the end of class -- and they weren't at the end of my swim!  It's just wrong!  It shouldn't be this HOT! 

I love my central air.  :)


Paul said...


What does NW stand for "No Way!" ?


Joe said...

Yeesh...that's not right :(

The pool sounds like a great way to stay cool right about yoga does NOT LOL

Aimee said...

Oh, the things you do for exercise... Up at 2am for running, leaving skin on streets for biking, voluntarily depleting your body of necessary water for yoga. Pretty bad-ass. I wouldn't, but you should keep it up! :)