Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

to the first running mentor I ever had 
to my original running coach
to the first swimmer I knew and
the man who let me borrow his old twelve speed bike when I first started triathlons

Happy Father's Day
to the man who has taught me to have PMA -- a positive mental attitude
and so much more:  how to give a proper handshake, to soap the screws before putting them in the wall, to work hard and play hard, to earn my shower every day, and more and more and more. 

This time last year, we were breathing a sigh of relief after his fall 15 feet off the top of his boat onto the hard ground.  He was broken -- badly -- but still here.  It's been a rough go for a while, but I can still call him and talk to him and hug him. 

Happy Father's Day to a great man.  A and K and I are lucky to call you our dad.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Aww, great post. I hope you shared it with Dad.