Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today was sponsored by the letter S


Snow day!  Learned of it while in the theater watching Hood to Coast -- which, as an aside, was both cool and uncomfortable to watch.  Cool race documentary (that girl Rachel from the movie poster is hysterical!), but because it's set in Oregon it sort of forced me to reminisce about my time out there...  tough. 

Sleeping in!  Ok, I was up at my normal early morning hours, but I allowed myself to turn over and go back to sleep/doze a bit before getting out of bed.  Yum.

Shovelling!  There was a lot of snow to move, but it was pretty powdery and easy to clear.  I spent about an hour shovelling out and clearing off my car and front steps.

Sledding!  I went over to my sister's and she and my two little nephews and I went sledding.  It was so fun!  There were tons of people on the little hill -- and from afar all the colors of the coats and hats and sleds looked really cool against the pure white snow.  We took turns going individually down the hill on saucers or with a partner on the red toboggan.  Great time. 

Swimming!  After warming up a bit, I headed to the pool for a swim.  No time constraints, so I set out for a 2000yd swim.  That's usually about my normal workout, and about as long as I can take being in the pool before I get bored.  It wasn't the best swim, but it was solid.  I felt pretty good when I hit 2000, so I went a bit longer and finished with 2500 total yards. 

Stress.  Ok, not a lot of stress, but I'm in the middle of refinancing my mortgage and sheesh!  it's a lot of work.  Dig out and fax/email TONS of paperwork!  Grr!  I know that the closing costs and aggravation will all be worth it when my rate drops more than 1.5%, but I'm ready for the process to be done.

Stuff.  Finishing out the day, I made dinner, played with my new handheld Food Saver vaccuum sealer (cool!), and got some school stuff together. 

Looking back over the day, I'd say it was a solid one.


Maggs said...

I watched Hood to Coast last night and agree. Nice job swimming I'm only up to 2k on a good day right now.

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Fun! Love snow days!

Maria said...

Super Sweet Day! Also, I'm going to start inserting way more power arches into my daily life :-)

Aimee said...

Super poSt about aSenSational day.