Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Those socks are cool!"

So said two of my guy friends when I showed them my Zoot Kona compression socks.  Thanks to Charisa, my legs have been getting some serious TLC after my longer runs. 
With my left calf still feeling like it's not fully healed, I've been paying lots of attention to what it's doing/feeling at every moment.  These days it often feels strained, sore.  Like it's been worked hard.  It's not tightening, and it's not stopping me from running.  But it is feeling weak at times, and I constantly worry what the issue is. 

Sometimes I wonder if I'm destined to run only short, 5 milers for the rest of my life.  (Which is, I know, better than nothing.)
Sometimes I wonder if it's something more serious.  Another tear?  Some sort of a chronic issue?  Cancer?!
Sometimes I wonder if I'm just being impatient and it will take a longer while before it's fully healed from the work of the fall. 

So I'm icing, stretching, running easy (for the most part), and keeping marathons off the radar.  And, I'm letting my awesome pink and black Zoot socks wrap my calf with positive vibes as often as possible.  Thanks, Charisa! 


Maggs said...

Compression socks really helped my calf/achilles. I wore them for years ...even before they were popular :-)

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

ooooooh - I love those! I might need to try them. Love the feeling of compression socks after a hard run. And pink and black to boot!

Mindi said...

Those are awesome! I got some compression socks for Christmas - but not nearly that cool! :)

Charisa said...

I had mine on last night :)