Thursday, January 20, 2011

Frogs In My Spinach

I ran 7+ good, crisp miles this afternoon and then followed that up with an a.w.e.s.o.m.e. 90 minute yoga class.  The room was HOT, the instructor (who's fantastic) mixed things up a bit, I felt stronger and even a bit leaner (just a bit) than I have in yoga in a while. 

When I got home after 8, I was hungry -- so I pulled out the frozen strawberries, blueberries, a banana, skim milk (sometimes I use soy or almond, but mostly I'm a cow's skim milk girl), a scoop of peanut butter, and my bag of spinach. 

And, like always, I hesitated as I pulled the spinach out of the bag.  Because years ago I heard the story of someone finding a live frog in their bag of greens 

and I'm convinced it's going to happen to me at some point.  Of course I examine the bag when I buy it at the store.  But still, every time I pull some out to use, I'm nervous I'll find a frog.

I didn't tonight.  Whew!  And the smoothie was deeeelicious. 

The glass, if you can't read it, says, "Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss it, you'll land among the stars." 
I think that's a motto I'll focus on for a bit.  I'll need it, because I've got some daunting ideas for some racing this year. 


Aimee said...

Omg It's 3:15 am. I'm wide awake, so poking around a few places. What do I find? Lora's writing about live animals in bagged produce. Thanks for the bedtime story. ;-)

What are the daunting ideas for racing? Beyond what I already know???

Maggs said...

haha. That made me laugh. In college i found a leaf in my diet coke can. I always look for one now.

Mindi said...

Darn! I never heard about the frog thing before. After seeing those images, I know I will be squirrely around my spinach too. :) Glad you are doing so well!

Charisa said...

Snow days, and frogs in spinach & sleep. I've never heard the frog in spinach thing before - now I'll have to double check! We have a frog that looks just like that named Henry that lives in our back yard :)

Maria said...

I spent a few extra seconds running my hands through the spinach before throwing it into the Vitamix... no way am I blending up a frog!!! :)