Monday, November 30, 2009

Here we go again

10 days of rest. Grr. I did it in the beginning of the summer when D started "coaching" me. Let the body renew itself. White blood cell count revive. Rest a little before working hard. 10 days.

D said I could run through the holiday weekend to counteract all the eating (and drinking!), then take the 10 days. He doesn't budge on that number, either. So today is day 1.

I need to do this because I want to follow D's plan. I feel lucky that he'll plan my training for my next marathon, even though I think this time around he won't be as involved/available. That part stinks, but I've learned a lot about his thinking and the way his training plans work, so I'm just glad he'll work a plan for me.

Because, you see, I registered for my goal race. I'll be joining two fantastic women at the Illinois Marathon on May 1st. It's only the second year of this race, but we've heard rave reviews from friends about last year. The course looks pretty friendly for a good time and a solid race, and that's what all three of us are hoping for. I'm excited that Maria and Cindi will be there!

So, here we go again. A little down time, a great runner for a (sort of) coach, and a marathon training round. I'm excited, I'm ready to work hard, and I'm looking forward to May.


Maggs said...

The rest is the hardest part about training sometimes. Enjoy it though!

Charisa said...

Whooo hoooo sounds like a great goal! Enjoy the rest, soon it will be over and you'll be running lots :)

Maria said...

So very psyched to virtually train & run together in IL! Enjoy your rest.

Maria said...

p.s. I like that both you and Cindi run in the morning too, it'll keep me motivated to stick with a.m. running throughout this round of training

Mindi said...

Enjoy your rest time!

sneakersister said...

Rest is good. Enjoy it. And I am so excited for you that you finally settled on a race. I cannot wait to see how all the training translates to race day. I told you this on the phone in Philly, you can totally do it!