Saturday, November 21, 2009


The Philadelphia Marathon is tomorrow. I'm not running it.

Instead, I'm getting up super early to pick up my sister at 5:15am and get her to the start. She's running it.

I got my race plan together tonight. Park, hang with A until she starts. Meet up with parents, eat my bagel/avocado/tomato that I'm packing into my little backpack, and wait around for the 8k'ers, the half marathon leaders, marathon leaders, drink the rest of my coffee, meet up with other spectating friends, hopefully catch my friends N finish the half and J come through the half, and then catch my sister as she runs through the half sometime around or just under or just over (what? she hasn't revealed an exact race pace plan) the 2 hour mark.

At that point, I'll jump in, swap out her water bottle, and see what she wants me to do. Stay with her a little? If so, fine. If not, I'll circle back, hang with the parents/friends a little longer, and then make my way out towards Falls Bridge. I'll plan on catching up with A sometime after she passes the bridge, when she'll have less than 4 miles to go. Unless she tells me earlier she doesn't want me to do that. Although, even if she says that, I'll probably do it anyway. Who doesn't like a boost of personal cheer in those last few miles?

I'm totally bummed I'm not running tomorrow. I'd feel less bummed if I could figure out which spring marathon to do. More on that another time.

Big race tomorrow, and I've gotta get to sleep. At least my race plan is set.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Just pick one! I was going back and forth on which spring marathon to do and stressing out about it and felt SO much better after I just registered for one. I was analyzing the pros and cons so much (which I KNOW you are doing!). I finally just went with my gut.

Good luck to A!!!

Maria said...

I love how much you and Aimee support one another - congratulations to her on today's performance!

As for the spring marathon, just pick the one that'll guarantee the best weather :-)

Aimee said...

THANK YOU for your support today! I know how hard it was for you not to be running today... but you were a great cheerleader (and not just for me!!) Thanks for your enthusiasm regarding my run.

NO doubt your next marathon will be the best ever!

(Thanks, Maria!!)

Novia said...

I'd like to offer the Dallas Rock 'n Roll 1/2 marathon!

How'd she do on the marathon?

Charisa said...

Good luck with the spring marathon planning! :)