Sunday, November 29, 2009

A long, busy, fun-filled holiday weekend

There's so much to report.

Wednesday I went to my friend's party. Lots of beer drinking and beer pong. I started well, spectated for a while, then closed the night with some great play. Some people may roll their eyes or laugh at the fact that I'm well past my college years and playing beer pong, but I don't care. I had fun with my friends.

Thursday, I peeled myself out of bed in time to meet my sister and my friend, G, at a local turkey trot. We decided not to do the race, but we ran the loop together anyway. We finished in time to see the racers come in. Great way to start the day. I got about 7.5 miles done -- and then headed to the shore for dinner with the family.

Friday I met up with an old friend from college that I hadn't seen in 15ish years. Sooooo wonderful to catch up with him! J was a great, fun, close friend in school, and seeing him this weekend reminded me that it is important to stay in touch with good people. We sat in my house and laughed and reminisced, and lamented the fact that we had different, separate plans for the night. He lives across the country and one hour wasn't enough time to spend together, so we made plans to meet for coffee the next morning.

After J and his wife left, the guys started arriving for our night out in the city. We took the train over to Old City to see our friend's band. They were so good! Fun night -- we went to a different bar after the show and had a great time there, too. Waited for the train for a while but eventually got back home safe and sound, but late.

Saturday morning came quickly, and G and I had planned on meeting for the other local turkey trot we planned to do. I ran over, met up with him, and we decided to take the race easy. Safe to say we both were running with headaches.

Well, instead of taking it really easy, we ran hard but not all-out. Ended up with a 24:20. We'll take it! I found out later that that was good enough for 13th female OA, 2nd in AG, and 74/330 total. Sweet! My coach won the race, so he was there to get my medal for me at the awards.

After the race, I met up with J again, and then ran into my parents who were in town for an alumni thing, and then stopped in the store to touch base there, and then headed to LBI for my HS reunion.

Whoa. 20 years. Admittedly, I wasn't really keen on going to this, though I knew I should. Aimee and I headed in and immediately started the, "Hey! Hi! You look great! How've you been?" lines. Funny thing is, while there were definitely people who have not kept themselves healthy and looking good, so many people did! Lots of people looked the same (though a little older), and unfortunately there were a bunch of people I wished were there but weren't. A and I decided not to head to the after-party after some debate. It was a nice night, but truth be told, I was kind of over it after about an hour.

So this morning I slept in. I needed to catch up on some sleep and still kind of need to now. I got dressed and set out for a LR over the bridges. I got about 10 miles done, and really enjoyed soaking in the sunshine and salt air.

This was a long, busy, fun-filled holiday weekend. Back to work tomorrow. I feel like I need to take a day off just to recuperate from the past 5 days!


Aimee said...

Yep, you need a vacation from your FUN life!!! Good for you!!!

Maggs said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

sneakersister said...

Sounds like a lot of fun, always welcome! Glad you had such a fun week.