Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I've been drinking a lot of it lately. And by a lot, I mean often.

Sometimes it's good beer, like this Alagash White I had tonight. Sometimes it's something light like Miller Lite.

I've been hanging out with a couple of the running group guys quite a bit. Sunday football? Beers. Wednesday after the group run? Beers. Friday night? Saturday night? It's the weekend. Beers.

During the week, I limit myself. One or two. And I go home early so I can still get up and be a good teacher the next day. But still, it's being out and drinking beers on a weekday. Something I never used to do, but I'm having a lot of fun doing it now. Ok, really, I limit myself on the weekends, too. I'm not that big of a drinker anymore. But I'm having beers way more often than I normally would.

Drinking all this beer will affect my training when I get into my spring marathon workouts. I know this, because it definitely affects how much sleep I'm getting. Drinking all this beer will not help me become prepared for a great spring marathon.

The thing is, I like hanging out with these guys. They're funny, they're people I feel comfortable with, and they get the whole drinklotsofwaterwhiledrinkingalcoholicbeverages thing. They're runners, too, so we don't give each other a hard time if someone isn't drinking, or stops after one or two drinks.

We hang out a lot, and we drink beer. It's a good thing. I'll scale back when I start training again. For now, I've been enjoying the beers.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Beer in moderation is not a bad thing! I am the same way. During training, because I run at 4:30 a.m. I can't even have 1 or 2 or I won't get up. So I've found myself drinking a few beers on the nights that I have the next day off. It all works out! :-)

sage said...

I pretty much quit the beer in spring but for special occasions. I think it was having an adverse effect on my sleep. I limit myself to one really good beer when I have beer these days. It helped a lot with allowing me to sleep better and could have had an impact on my dropping 20+ lbs this year.

Having said all that, I do love beer! I'm from Wisconsin, after all.

KP said...

think of the beer drinking as training! you're just building some base beer-mileage right now.