Sunday, April 5, 2009

Last long run

Ran a 22 miler today. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm still working them all out, so I'll write more about it later.

The brief report: Much of it was good, the last 2 miles weren't.

If I can't get through a slower-paced, 22 miler in training without feeling ok the whole way, how am I supposed to run race pace and make it 26.2 miles?



Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Well focus on the good part! Pretty much all miles past 20 suck - training run or not. You'll get through it in the race b/c it's the race - it's what you worked for and you only have one chance so you'll force yourself to get through.

Good job getting out there and getting it done! 22 miles is a long way!

Kris said...

Because when you run the 26.2 you are going to have company and cool people cheering you on. :)

Jen Jones said...

It's all about the taper for me! I can barely get through 10 miles at MP (see yesterday's run) during heavy training and my long runs are well off MP.

A couple of super easy weeks and your legs will be ready to go on race day, no doubt! Just getting the miles in, however it works out, is what matters!

Charisa said...

Remember that races are always different than training though - somehow we pull more out and it does not feel the same as training. Great job!