Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring (break) cleaning...

My Spring Break was this week, and I didn't fly away to a warm beach... for a few reasons. So, since I was home, I did a little spring cleaning. Trying to declutter, simplify. I'm not good at it. I like the simplicity, I like the clutter-free environment -- but I'm not good at getting rid of things, even when they're headed to Goodwill or Purple Heart.

My sister, however, is a pro. She came over and helped me purge a bunch of stuff.

Then, she took one look at my stash of shoes and asked, seriously, if I really need all of those:

Of course I do. Some are current running shoes, some are older (for the rainy days) running shoes, some are retired-for-running-but-good-for-wearing-around shoes, some are flip flops for running out for something quickly, there's a pair (or two?) of pool flip flops, and one pair of older running shoes for softball.

I didn't let her see all the shoes that are in my closet.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

What's her number?! I'm calling her to come and purge that closet of yours too!

Aimee said...

What the hell is a pool flip flop and why do you think you need two pairs of them? Beware- I have a key! :)

Maggs said...

I can never get rid of a pair of shoes either. The only time I do is if I'm traveling somewhere, I'll purposely take an old pair of running shoes and then pitch them instead of taking them home. Frees up space in the suitcase for shopping.