Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Temporary obstacles...

I had a great week of running last week. I really needed it, too.

This week is different. I got 16 miles done on Sunday with a good chunk of the middle ones at marathon pace. That was good, but my body felt a little off that day. The run also seemed to take a lot out of me. Or maybe that was just the start of something funky going on...

My body is a little broken right now. I believe it's all temporary stuff, and I believe it will be better in a day or two -- maybe three. I don't have time for it to last longer than that, though.

I'll spare you (whomever that may be) the details. Some of it was worrisome enough that I made an appointment at the hospital for some tests today. Other stuff, like my head hurting from wrestling with my nephew and him accidently kicking me above my right temple with his cleats, my lack of good sleep, and my tight legs are just extra speed bumps right now.

So, I have some (hopefully) temporary obstacles. I'll ride this out, but it better move through quickly.

I have some more good running to do!


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Hope whatever is ailing you gets better soon! It does seem to work that way doesn't it - one week things are great, then next they aren't. Hang in there!

Aimee said...

OMG Trey is really sorry. Damn he was having fun with you though. :)

Antoinette said...

I hope it's nothing serious. Glad you got in some good running this month!

Maria said...

I hope everything is OK and more just a "hurty period" as I call those less than ideal times during training. (((Lora)))

Frankie said...

Hopefully it passes soon ((( Lora )))

phdatc said...

Good to know that you are taking appropriate steps, Luck and Hugs!