Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A triathlon day, of sorts...

I'm making up my current training plan as I go. Been pouring over past training cycles and weighing what's worked with what I need to revise. I'd like to keep some cross-training going on through this cycle, so I'm trying to get to the pool and on the bike at least one time each week. Normally this time of year, I'm just running.

Today I woke up early and got 30 minutes done on the bike trainer. Kinda boring, but it felt good to get that in before work.

Met my sister for a 5 miler after work. We did a progression-type run, though we didn't have any prescribed times in mind. Started slow, and each mile got a bit faster. Ended the run at a good clip up a challenging little hill, then got a cool-down done once it flattened out.

Then, I hit the pool. Or, rather, I should say the pool hit me. Apparently the heater broke early this morning. That water was COLD! Agh! I got used to the water pretty quickly -- it even felt a bit refreshing -- but I only got about half the workout done that I wanted because I had my old goggles (duh!) that leak and fog and I couldn't take it anymore.

No matter. I still felt like it was a good workout day.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Dude, I know cold pools --- eeks! Really nice day o' workouts!!