Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yes, those are my legs in the photos in the last post. I have a love/hate relationship with them on any given day, at any given moment.

I hated them during those couple weeks recently when I was feeling uncertain about my running.

I loved them when they let me carry my 3 year old nephew on my shoulders all around Target.

I hate them when my knees feel wonky.

I love them when I get the kick right in the pool.

I hate them when they feel like lead at the end of a long day of work when I still have to run.

I love them when they get me through that run anyway.

I hate them when I'm trying to buy boots or pants and my calves don't let them fit.

I love them when they look good in a skirt.

And, with a huge exhale, I really loved them this weekend, when they successfully carried me through an 8 mile and an 18 mile run. After a few weeks of feeling uncertain about my running, my legs got back under me this week with some strong speedwork and a solid long run.

Today, I'm happy to have strong legs. My legs.