Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Need for Speed

I was whammied by some sort of a stomach bug/reaction to food I ate on Monday and spent ALL of Monday night in the bathroom waiting for the next round of vomiting.  Ugh.  Practically no sleep -- and really, how can you sleep when you're curled up on the tile floor all night?  Tuesday was all about recovery from that.  No workouts, other than flipping the mattress on my bed when I washed my sheets. 

So despite little fuel in my body, I headed out for an easy 5 miler today.  Legs were fine, but my upper back area and lungs seemed affected by Monday night's rough stuff.  As I ran, I took note that although the rest of my body wasn't cooperating, my legs seem stronger than they have been in a long while.  I say that cautiously -- don't want to jinx it! -- but I started thinking about needing to get some speed back into my workouts so I can show up at my races on April 9th and May 1st with a little bit of race in me.  Most of my running since returning after the calf stuff has been easy paced stuff.  Time to change that, I think! 

I decided to run to the track today -- just to remind myself that it exists.  2 miles to the track, 1 mile around it, 2 miles home.  No speed -- body wasn't ready yet -- but between now and the Florida race I plan to add at least one day of speed stuff into my weekly running.  I won't set any records or anything this spring, but I'm hoping to at least feel like I'm getting closer to the runner I was before all this crazy calf business. 


Aimee said...

Sounds good, sounds good, sounds good!!!!

Paul said...

Yoikes! Sounds terrible...(Monday that is).

Saying hello to the track sounds good... coincidentally the local HS track here is 2 miles from my house. Very handy.

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

I still have never done speedwork on an actual track!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the leg continues to get strong!

Jen Jones said...

I'm sorry about getting sick, that sounded terrible!

I'm afraid of the track!!!!!!