Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Chose the Cold Rain

This morning's forecast was for an icy, freezing rain in the early morning, switching to rain later in the day.  I went to bed last night thinking I'll suck it up and get a short run done on the treadmill at the gym and then hop in the pool for a swim. 

Then I woke up and it didn't look too bad out.  I got dressed to run outside. 

Then I went outside and it was slippery, so I got dressed to go to the gym.  Packed up all my stuff and got in my car. 

Then I drove right past the gym and drove to the shore and ran my long run in the rain there. 

I chose a long run in the cold, drizzly rain over a short run on the treadmill and a swim. 

Right choice -- the fresh air, the run along the coast, legs working and the elements soaking me, was perfect. ('Though it's not helping me improve my swimming!)

1 comment:

Charisa said...

Great run I'm sure :)