Sunday, October 24, 2010

Smoother riding, please

I've been biking a lot over the past few months. I'd rather be running, but since I can't, riding at least gets me active outside so I can enjoy the fresh air after work. This time of year the air is crisp, the colors are vibrant, and the temps vary from comfortable to chilly. I love soaking all that in.
What I don't love are the streets around here. They are terrible. It's actually amazing how poor the road conditions are. Holes, bumps, sandy dirt, rocks, patches. Terrible.
I'm stuck, though, because there really isn't a great place to ride -- most of the riding I do is around town (staying in residential areas as much as possible) and around a 3.6 mile river loop. I could ride long, vacant roads if I headed about 30 minutes toward the beach, but since I ride alone and they are pretty secluded, it's not something I feel comfortable doing most of the time. So I try to enjoy the blue sky and the water I ride by and everything I see.
Except for the roads themselves.

A smooth ride. That's what I want. I want to breathe in the fresh air, soak up the sunshine, enjoy the blue skies, the flowing water of the river, the vibrant colors of the leaves. And I want to have a smooth ride.


Maggs said...

Yikes. So many people complain about the streets here, but really, they are pretty nice for riding.

Hope the leg is doing well.

Charisa said...

Ohhh I love the fall colors! Those roads look awful though.

Keep healing! :)