Monday, October 4, 2010

3 more weeks.

That's what the sports medicine doctor told me today in the follow-up appointment. Three more weeks of PT and Graston. Three more weeks of no running on my own.

He knows I walked on the TM and then walked/jogged (in short intervals) on the TM at therapy last week, and wants me to continue to progress with that under the PT supervision only. He wasn't mean, and he wasn't overly nice, but he was very matter-of-fact. He thinks I'm dealing with tendinopathy, and said his focus is to get me healthy and then back to running. Too soon, and I'll be dealing with this all over again.

Ok, ok. I get it.

I guess the good thing is that I get to run today (did 2 intervals of 2 minutes!) and Thursday this week, then Monday andThursday next week, then Monday, Wednesday and one more day the following week before I see Dr. Plut again on the 25th.

Yep, I'm counting the days/runs.

1 comment:

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Hang in there Lora! You will be fixed soon and you will be stronger than ever!