Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"I don't want to see you again"

So said the doc at my appointment yesterday.

He asked me a few questions about the PT I've been doing and how my leg's been feeling since I saw him last, and then he felt my left leg.

"This one's the good one, right?" he asked, as both his hand were wrapped around my left calf.

Ha! Nope, I replied. The right one's the good one.

He grabbed my right leg, then my left again. "Huh. Well, it feels good."

Really?! Yay! I'll take it!

He reminded me to take it easy increasing my mileage, and I admitted I realized this past week that my leg wasn't ready to run 3 weeks ago. I'll take it easy, I told him. I wanna keep running.

We decided going to PT a few more times would be good -- that way I can continue to strengthen my leg as I return to regular running. Then he told me to call him in a month to let him know that I'm feeling good. He doesn't expect to see me again.


Today I ran (per my PT's instructions) two separate miles. Walked 10 minutes, ran easy for 10 minutes (just over a mile), walked 2 minutes, ran another 10 minutes, walked 10 minutes. It felt good -- and other than muscle soreness in my quads from the PT work yesterday, my legs didn't bother me at all.

Slowly, easily, after almost 8 weeks off, I'm returning to running.
I'm so ready.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Nice :) Looking forward to following your every step, so to speak