Saturday, December 5, 2009

POWER walk.

POWER walk. Do yoga or core stuff. Enjoy rest before the pain returns.

That's what D's text to me said when I sent him a message that told him this rest is killing me -- and I'm only a little joking. I'm not motivated to swim or bike this time of year, and I'm restless. I did actually swim on Wednesday, and that was good to get back in the pool, but it's not what I really want to be doing these days.

Enjoy rest before the pain returns is what he replied. Whoa.
So power walk I did. Yesterday, for about an hour altogether.
It was great. Just what I needed. I needed to lace up my running shoes, get outside in the fresh air, and move forward. I had to touch base with my friend, L, who was working at the running store, which is about a mile and a half from my house. Off I went.

About 3/4 of a mile into the walk, I realized just how far 3 miles is. When I'm walking, that is. To run that is nothing. A 3 mile run is barely a run anymore for me. Like, a run not even worth it sometimes. But walking 3 miles? That's a long walk. I realized that having someone to walk with would make it better. Perhaps even having my ipod would make it better. It just seemed to take forever to walk to the store.

Don't get me wrong -- I really needed it. I liked it. To feel my legs moving me in somewhat of a workout was great. And I did think a bit about appreciating the downtime in the training.

But despite the warning of pain, I really can't wait to run again.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Funny - when I think of your upcoming reacquainting with "pain", I think of Luke Skywalker when he first met Yoda. When warned of his upcoming training, Luke says that he won't fail him and that he's not afraid.

Yoda replies, "You will be, you will be."

Seriously, I can't wait to see what emerges from your training, and I can see you can't wait either :)