Thursday, July 23, 2009

Doc's orders

Work on your cycling.

I've iced, rested a day, Motrin'ed, and my heel is a thousand times better. But there's still a bump. My doc friend saw it last night and told me I need to rest it so the aggravation can subside. I didn't understand. It's sooooooooooo much better, I said! No, it might look better, it might not be sore to the touch anymore, but it's not better. There's still a bump. Then he went on to talk all about the ligaments and tendons and bone on bone calcification and whatnot and what I retained was he wants me to take the next 2 days off of running.


I need to run. I want to run. I ran yesterday, an easy 5 miles in the new shoes, and things felt good.

No, he said, you need to rest it. Let it heal inside. Your cycling and swimming are your tri weaknesses, right?


Then swim and cycle the next two days and check in with me then. Don't run until Saturday.

This guy knows his stuff. D, a 2:30 marathoner, broke his foot one June and G (doc) opened him up, put a pin in his foot, and D was running just minutes off his marathon PR in November. These days, he's better than he used to be. If G says take some days off, I'll do what the doc says.

So my bike and I will be spending some quality time together the next few days.
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, because I think I'm passing on the Philly Distance Run in order to do a new sprint triathlon on LBI the same day...


Maria said...

Think about your shapely strong shoulders and calves! :-)

sneakersister said...

Just got caught up on your posts. That's a bone sticking out?? Yikes!! Definitely listen to your doctor and rest. He's right, you know. If biking and swimming on your weakness then you should be working on that more than the running anyway, right? Definitely do not want to be dealing with the whole bone calcification thing.

Deep breaths. You can do it.

Charisa said...

Oh look out - I think something similar happened to me back in the day and now I'm a full-fledged tri-geek! :) And I never in a million years thought I'd like the bike more than the run - but sometimes I really really do! Enjoy -your foot will heal quick :)

Aimee said...

Re: your decision on tri over PDR. Major bummer for me, totally the right choice for you. Sucks I won't be able to see you race.