Sunday, March 3, 2013

The week got by me...

I ended up fighting some sort of head cold that mainly just settled into my throat.  It wasn't really sore, but I had no voice all week.  Ever try to talk when you have no voice?  It's exhausting.  Teaching 7th graders made this even tougher, but I never felt down for the count, so I didn't miss a day the rest of the week.  I took Wednesday off from running and went to a hot yoga class instead -- which felt great.  I got some solid running done the rest of the week, though it was a bit slower pace just because of feeling worn out. 

By Friday night I was itching to hang with my Philly peeps, so I met them at a great place in the city for a couple glasses of wine, then headed home early.  But not before trying this:
It was an accidental pour for the bartender, so we got to taste it for free.  It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't something I'd drink for real.  The name alone was scary!

After a longer run Saturday morning and some errands, I met some of the running store peeps for bowling and beers.  Except we never got lanes and just drank beers instead.  Another late night of playing = Sunday wasn't so great -- but I made it through a morning run and then an insane day at the store (we were slammed!). 

And now it's time to get ready for another week of teaching!  I hope I see a bright, bold sunrise like this one on my way to work tomorrow morning:

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