Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Windy? Shocking. Except today!

20mph winds for my afternoon run?  A bitter wind ruining a perfectly clear, sunny day?  But of course.  Look at that flag.  It's standing straight out and whipping.  My whole winter of running has been like this.  It's annoying, monotonous, and killing my enjoyment of my daily run.  I'm over it.  Yesterday I had had it, and cut my afternoon run to a shorter 5.5 miles. 

And then, as if by magic, or maybe to keep us sane before another snow(maybe?)/heavy rain event rolls through, today was gorgeous.  A taste of spring.  It was almost 50*, sunny, with little wind.  I hit the hills and stretched my run an extra mile to make up for the shorter one yesterday, and I just cruised.  Didn't pay attention to pace, just ran and soaked up the sunshine. It was a great reminder that most of the time, even when I'm beat from work, my afternoon runs can be enjoyable!


Aimee said...


Paul said...

Oh boy 20 mph..argh! Knocks the snot out of you!

But glad you had some solar energy on the next run!