Thursday, September 22, 2011


I tried to be really patient and smart about letting the legs/body recoup from the 70.3, but now I've gotten into the marathon training swing pretty solidly this past week.  After a good long run last weekend, I got 4 days of strong running done Monday thru today.  While I definitely don't have an optimal base of miles at this point in the training calendar, I do feel happy that the running is feeling good.

Problem is, I'm sorting of missing the biking and, even more, the swimming.  Now that I'm back to work, it's tough to get 2 workouts done in a day like I was able to do all summer.  I want to feel strong going into the 26.2, so I know that the running needs to be my focus, but...

I'm feeling unbalanced. 

Who would've thought I'd actually miss the tri training?! 


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Which marathon are you doing?

Mindi said...

I was just about to ask the same thing. :) Glad you are missing it. You must have been doing something right.

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

I think I remembered. NYC with your sister, right?

Maggs said...

That means next year you'll be even more ready to train!

Maria said...

Wait, I totally forgot you were running a full this year. YAY!!!