Monday, May 31, 2010


Today is Memorial Day. A time to remember those who have served our country. My grandfather was one of them. I wish he were still here.

Thank you to all who serve and have served. I don't know that I could ever walk in your shoes, and so I know how important you are to our country. Thank you.

In other remembering, I'm trying to remember how it feels to have healthy legs. I'm so frustrated that my calf is still hurt. I got a couple good runs in last week, and then Saturday it seized up again. M*ther F*cker. Seriously. Ok, maybe I shouldn't curse in a post that acknowledges the brave people who sacrificed for our country. I have another appointment with the chiropractor this week, after several last week, and I'm going to have to really impress upon him what I'm dealing with with the calf. Back and forth, fine/not fine, good run/pain. Gah.

1 comment:

Marc Pelerin said...

Try Mark Kemenosh. He did miracles with me when I had a bad calf. Went from months off to running in less than a week.

Keep your head up, things will turn. If you ever want to ride, I'll join you.