Monday, May 24, 2010

Taped Up

Got an appointment today with a local chiropractor that the guys from the running store use. He knows we are runners, he's a runner/triathlete himself, and he understood right away that I need to get back to running asap.

He watched me stand, looked at my feet and my hips and my head. He studied my shoulders. He dug into my hips, he worked the hell out of my calf, and then he taped me up.

He said I could try to run on Wednesday -- though I'm sure he'd prefer me to wait a few more days.

I.just.can't. I haven't run now in more than a week -- and that was only once -- and I need to. Too much other stuff is off; I need to run.

He was confident this wasn't going to keep me down and out for long -- as long as I'm smart about the return and I continue having him work out the tightness in my hips and legs. The calf issue, he said, was an upper achilles strain.

Whatever. He said I could try to run on Wednesday. I don't care what else he said. I can run on Wednesday. I made plans to run the first loop of the Wednesday group run with a friend of mine who's doing her first triathlon in a couple weeks. I can't wait.

I'll go back to the doc, I'll have him work me over, I'll let him put this funky kinesio tape on my leg.

I'll do it so I can run again. And again. And again.


Aimee said...

Dude, he is so not a runner. "What's that on your leg, Lora?" But then again, he asked me what the tape does and I couldn't really answer him..... ?

solarpowered said...

Are you talking about who I think you're talking about? Yeah - you'd think he would know just from the olympics and other stuff. Oh well. I had to research what it does myself. :)