Thursday, January 21, 2010

I need to feel some good.

I need to feel happy. Light. Like things are all good.

I'm walking through my days waiting for something to lift this feeling of grrrrr.

I'm frustrated, I'm conflicted, I'm feeling unsettled.

It's not a good feeling. It's not a comfortable way to go through my days.

I don't feel good in my own skin right now.

I may feel differently tomorrow, but today, this is how I feel. Enough to write about it, which I don't often do.

From the outside, people would say I have nothing to complain about.

I know that. I know in the grand scheme of things I don't.

But in my personal world, I need to feel some good.

I need to feel happier. More comfortable. Lighter. Peaceful. Good.

I don't right now, and I don't like it.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Sorry you are feeling frustrated and down. Even if there is nothing major going on with you, it's definitely still ok to feel sad/not right about things. Not sure what I can suggest to help, other than I am a big believer in taking action if you aren't happy with something. Take action to change things. Things don't often change or get better on their own. Sure, there are risks of taking action. You risk rejection. You risk pissing people off. Etc. But you may be rewarded with bigger things that you would never have gotten if you hadn't taken the risks!

Charisa said...

I'm sorry. I felt like this last week as well. Hang in there - things will get better and turn around.

Mindi said...

Ack. Sorry to hear it. I agree with CIndi though - best course of action is to take action (whatever that may be). Even if it is something simple to put a smile on your face, do it. The rest will follow.

I hope this week is better for you.