Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Despite the wind

I was able to get my first, real-quality workout done today. Plan was for 8 total miles with 4 at marathon pace in the middle. D put 8:35 as my marathon pace at the top of my schedule, so despite thinking he's crazy for that, that's what I set out to do today.

The temps were finally in the 30's, so I left the long tights at home and got back into my capris. Love them. I didn't think about the wind chill still being in the 20's, but my legs really felt fine the whole run. My hands were another story, though. I can never get them warm enough...

So, I got started with the first two easy miles and MAN was it windy! I was running pretty much straight into the wind for the first 4 miles of this run out and around the river, except for the few areas where it swept more across the side of me. I need to look up the wind speed/gusts today, because I was really fighting it and almost got knocked sideways a few times!

I was excited about this run -- I love these tempo style runs -- but I was nervous, too. Other then the 4x400's I ran Saturday, I've been running all slow, easy miles. I wasn't sure I'd be able to hold this pace today, and decided if I needed to, I'd back it down to 8:40 pace.

Surprise, surprise, the paces were easy to hold. I was a little fast, even. I really tried to keep it right around the 8:35 pace once I knew I could run that, but I ended up with 8:36, 8:29, 8:30, 8:27. Sweet! Take that, Wind!


Maria said...


Charisa said...

Sorry the smooching is over. Scary about the car and glad you are ok. And my hands are always cold too. Nice work on that run and hitting the pace despite the headwind!

Jen Jones said...


How great is it that MP is feeling so easy this early on in your training? Don't underestimate yourself, you are a STRONG runner!!!

Mindi said...

Woo Hoo! It is always awesome when you nail a workout like that - especially early in the season!