Monday, November 17, 2008

It hurts, it doesn't hurt...

Did about 9.5 miles yesterday morning. Cool, crisp, sunny morning. Nice. Ran with my sister and did a route similar to the 12 miler on Monday. My foot was hurting pretty bad this weekend --ok, that probably had something to do with staying out 'till 2am, drinking lots and lots of beer and dancing all night with the guys from the running store on Friday night -- but luckily, it didn't bother me in my running too much. Of course, I rolled my ankle again. That's happened EVERY single time I've run this week. Stupid inches and inches of leaves covering the ground!

So I saw the chiropractor today about the foot. I was pretty sure it wasn't a bone out of place or anything like that, but I knew that the electrical stimulation thingy they've used on my foot and ankle before worked really well, so I figured that was worth the visit alone. I like my doc. He works with many of the local pro athletes, like the 76ers. He's funny. Anyway, since I pay the same co-pay regardless of what the doc does, when he started adjusting my back, I figured what the hell. Straighten me out! He then worked on my foot, did the laser and electrical thing, and sent me on my way. My foot didn't feel 100%, but I did feel taller! :D

I'll put some miles in tomorrow and see how the foot does. It seems to bother me more in my regular walking around than it does mid-run, which is weird. Sometimes I barely notice it while running, even though it was bad before the run...

It hurts, it doesn't hurt...

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