Saturday, November 20, 2010

Back to the Sleeves

This past week my calf was feeling weak again. I'm not sure why -- and it's part of what has been making me nervous. I don't want to keep worrying if I'll ever regain solid strength in my leg, but I'm reminded of just how much my muscles were broken down with the Graston work.

I took the picture above to show the sleeves I'm wearing again to help my calf feel supported as it continues to heal. But if you look closely, you can see what I've seen for months now. Look at my left leg. Now look at my right. See the sharp definition of my calf muscle on the right? On the inside of my leg? Now look at the left. See how the definition isn't as sharp? There's a little bump under the calf muscle. It's been like this since the Graston work.

I'm afraid it'll be like that forever.

My calf muscles were something that stood out about me. Big legs. Defined muscles. I've joked about how my legs look a bit much in heels with that definition, but truly, I've liked having them. Now I'm sad they aren't the same. I'm worried that left calf will never be the same.

I need to be disciplined in my strengthening exercises. I'll use the sleeves for a bit to help with some support while I'm running. And I hope all of this continued healing gets my definition back.


Joe said...

It's frustrating, but maybe that's what happens when you continue one way for too long.

My trail race and now fiddling around with this barefoot/minimalist shoe thing again how much my upper leg/hip/trunk area were compensating for the lower half.

So far my left calf isn't liking the new routine to strengthen it (it cramped up again at about mile 3 of my ez-run today) but I guess I need to look at it long term.

Here's hoping your diligence pays off in big ways for you :)

Mindi said...

Your legs still look smokin' hot! I do understand your frustration though. Hopefully everything will come back together for you soon.