Sunday, March 14, 2010

No time

I feel like I've had no time to write these days. Some personal things happening (mostly good, some really good, small bit is a little frustrating), a busy weekend, and lots of running.

I had a 8x800 workout earlier in the week where the run was almost 12 miles total. I hit all the paces I was supposed to -- took the easy miles easy, and was a bit faster for most of the intervals then I was supposed to be. Coach was pleased, but also said not to do the intervals too fast.

Today was 18 miles total. 6 easy, 10 @ MP (8:30's), 2 easy. Well, that's what it was supposed to be. It's been pouring rain the past few days and lots of flooding out there. I headed to the Art Museum loop, and so did my coach, and hoped the paths would be clear. They were, for the most part.

So I set out in the rain and took the first miles easy. Felt fine. By mile 6 I was ready to pick up the pace. For the next 10 miles I was at 8:30 or faster. Generally between 8:23-8:28. My coach ran into me at about mile 13.5, and that made me run faster. He circled back and ran with me for about a mile, and that mile was about 8:08. He went on ahead and let me get back into my pace, and I finished the run without really doing the last 2 miles easy. I backed off the MP a little, but I was so ready to be done and dry. Coach was waiting for me back at the cars and we chatted for a minute about the run and then headed out of the city.

I feel pretty good about this run. I still have a hard time believing I'll be able to hold an 8:30 pace for 26.2 miles, but then again, I always have a hard time believing I can run 26.2 miles strong no matter what the pace. I need to break that doubt. I'm hoping I'll feel more ready in the next few weeks of training. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I trust D, and I know he'll send me to Illinois prepared.

Softball season starts this week, so I'll have even less time to be here. I'm trying to keep up with my friends' blogging as well, even if I'm not posting comments!


Christie said...

Good luck with the rest of your training. When is your marathon?

Maggs said...

Sounds like your training is really paying off.

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Nice MP run! You WILL be able to maintain that pace for 26.2!

Aimee said...

Super jealous of your running. Nice work! All the rest of the life stuff... ups and downs, ups and downs.... ugh.

Maria said...

It's all about feeding your mind that info in consumable bits... starting by running that pace for 8 miles, 10 miles, a HM, 17 miles, 20 miles, etc. You are there!!

Charisa said...

Nice running! You are getting faster - fun! Enjoy the busy stuff - it's all good.