Monday, February 15, 2010

Salt water

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." ~ Isak Dinesen

Rough day today. I had a conversation with someone I care about to clarify some intentions and feelings. It didn't go as I would have liked. It made me sad, it weighed me down. It made my heart hurt, and when my heart hurts it invades me completely.

I went for a run, and I worked up a sweat. That felt good.
I shed some tears, too, and that was a needed release.

Had I been at the shore, I would have walked toward the ocean and breathed it in.

I stumbled upon this quote through a friend of mine today, and it couldn't have been better timing.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Running and crying definitely help me. No sea near me, so not sure about that one. Hope things look brighter today!

Joe said...

Hugs to you as well

Whether it be shore-side or roadside, I hope you can find some solace and clarity through these times

Doctor Err said...

maybe salt via potato chips???