Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I just realized I haven't posted in over a week. I have been super busy, and quite frankly, I haven't felt like anything to write about would be very interesting.

But when I started this blog, I did so with the intention of chronicling my life - boring or not. So, here's what's interesting in my too-busy, not-that-exciting life recently:

A coworker pulled me aside the other day, put his arm around my shoulders, and told me I'm a good-looking woman. :D Love him.

I dipped my toes in the ocean this past weekend. It was COLD, but I was barefoot, in my bathing suit, on the beach -- so how bad could it be?!

The middle school girls softball team that I coach lost in the playoffs today. That's too bad. Ok, really, I'm ecstatic. This season has gone on long enough. Now I can finally get some free time in my afternoons!

I went to the Phillies game with my running store co-workers on Monday. Dollar dog nite. We tailgated, had a blast, and watched one of our guys down 12 hot dogs before the 9th inning started. Whoa.

My running has been pretty good. I've got to get my body adjusted to the heat, but otherwise, the paces have been good, things have been feeling good, and now I just need to decide on my next goal race.

So now that softball's done, I'll have a little more time to think of fun, witty things to write about. Promise!


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

I just blogged about all the sh*# food I've eaten today. THAT is not interesting!

Your co-worker is a wise man.

I would LOVE to be able to go to the ocean on weekends like you do.

I hear ya. I am counting down until baseball and softball end so my summer can begin. We go until end of June (baseball) and early July (softball). So you have it lucky!

How many hot dogs did YOU down?!? And beers too, I hope?

Excellent that the running feels good. There's still time (I think) to sign up for Twin Cities Marathon as your goal race!

Keep blogging!

Dan said...

cindi style...

me either. my absence has been a little longer than yours. different reasons...same busy result.

nice to have a little confidence booster. and he's a smart man. i agree.

me too! although there is a HUGE difference between NJ and NH sand & ocean. you know what end of the stick we got w/that deal.

if you have any of that stuff you refer to as spare time, send some my way. please.

hope you didn't have to ride home w/that dude. as unamerican as it may sound, i honestly don't like those nitrate stix. beer me though!!!

running. heat. goal races. keerist. i need to pull my motivation out of the dumper.

i'll respond instead of blogging.

solarpowered said...

Thanks, guys :)

Cindi - I had one dog, and 2.5 beers. :D