Thursday, May 14, 2009

I didn't sink

And it didn't suck. But even though I did 2000 yards in the pool tonight, I really never feel like I get any better or more comfortable as a swimmer.

I know I would need to swim more than once a week to get better. During the school year, though, all I want to do when I'm out of work is get outside in the fresh air (even when it's cold and grey) and run.

In the summer, I get more swimming done. Ok, generally twice a week, mostly. That's not much more. BUT, I think it will stay that way until I get the desire or urge or need to do more than the sprint triathlons. I'm constantly amazed by the swimming that Maggs and Charisa and other serious triathletes do. I toyed with the idea of an olympic distance. Then I realized I'd have to swim about a mile in open water. Um, go back to the first paragraph. I'm not ready to tackle that distance.



Aimee said...

Holy Smokaroneees. A mile? 4106 to just before the police station?? My house to yours??? Three times around your development???? Methodist to Park blvd????? No thanks.

In the adorable words of Dory to Nemo, "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming... What do we do? We swim, we swim!"

Go Lora, go forth with the fishes. Keep swimming.


solarpowered said...

Oh! Good idea, Aim!

Hey - here's another good idea. Why don't you do a triathlon with me this summer?


The sprints are only, like, once around my development. :)

Aimee said...

NoOOOooooOOOooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Too much gear!!!!!!!!!!

Maggs said...

A mile is less than 2000 yards ya know. You'll get there.