Sunday, January 18, 2009


I ran my long run of the week yesterday morning at the shore. It was 10* with a -1* windchill at the start of my run.

I wore tights (thin), pants (thin), a tank, 2 long-sleeve (sort of thin) shirts, my fleece, a hat and gloves. More layers than I've worn since, probably, my first winter running a few years ago. My face felt chilled as I started, but that leveled out quickly. I was cursing the 2 shirts by mile 3 because the WNW wind was sort of blocked by houses as I was heading north, and I was too warm.

Then I made the turn around mile 4 and cooled off a little as I felt the wind come across my right side. Ahh. That's better. Shirt situation will be ok.

I ran by my house at about mile 6, grabbed a sip of water, and gave my dad my ballpark time I'd finish. My plan was to run about 12ish miles, and my dad would pick me up near my brother's house.

In the 30 seconds I was in the house, the wind, of course, decided to switch.

As I headed south out of the house and down the island, I now had the cold wind -- blowing about 10ish mph on average with higher gusts -- right in my face. Fantastic. I tried to tune it out and I focused on the crystal-blue, sparkly, calm ocean.

It turned out that the cold didn't really bother me. I made my way to the 12.5ish mile mark and saw my dad. Asked him if he'd mind if I finished out 13, and naturally he said, do it.

So, in all my layers, I finished my 13 miles -- and took note that at the end of my run, the temp was about 14* with an above zero windchill.

It was sunny, it was crisp, it was a little challenging, but it was a good run.


phdatc said...

Wonderful run! I am living (running) vicariously through you.

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Sounds balmy to me! ;-)

Joe said...

You know, I always have better runs when the weather is colder, and I begin thinking that I wouldn't mind weather like yours. Then I think to myself that I probably need to be slapped across the face :)