Sunday, January 25, 2009

It all caught up to me

-- all the sleepless nights and work frustrations and everything else that has felt out of whack lately -- and I crashed hard Friday night. I was asleep before 9:30pm. I did wake up a couple times in the night, but by the time I got out of bed Saturday morning, I was looking forward to my first real long run in a long time.

15 miles. It was a beautiful morning for a run -- about 40*, getting cooler as I ran, and sunny.

My legs were feeling it by the time I finished yesterday, but I got out for an easy 6.2 miles this morning and that helped to work out any leftover kinks.

Even though all the other stuff is still out of balance and a bit troubling, and it all caught up to me this weekend, at least my running worked.


Stephen said...

Great job! Hope everything else works itself out for the best. My Sat run was nice, I can't imagine running in 40*. Crazy cold-weather runners :)

Charisa said...

Awesome job on the run! Weird how too much stuff on the plate eventually catches up to us huh? Hope you got some rest :)