Wednesday, July 14, 2010


For the past two days, we've had severe downpours popping up in the day and dumping tons of water from the sky.

Yesterday, my day off from running, I went for a bike ride when the sky cleared. It was actually sunny! I got a good ride going, and was about 12 miles in, when I noticed the sky darkening to the southwest. I figured I could continue around the river and then head home and probably just make it before the (seemingly inevitable) pouring rain started again.


About 2.5 miles from home, the first raindrop hit. No big deal, except I had my phone with me and didn't want it to get wet. I stopped under a big tree just as the rain began coming down in buckets. I got my phone into my little pack under my seat, waited and watched the white-out wall of rain, and decided since I was getting soaked under the tree anyway, I'd just head into the monsoon and make my way home.

Soaked. And of course, as soon as I got to my house the rain tapered off.

Today, I decided to push my run to this evening and run with the group run at the store. Instead, while the skies were grey, I headed to the pool. More water! But this time, the water was my friend. I had a really good swim -- 2000yds, pretty much non-stop except for a quick adjustment to my goggles halfway through. Weird that it seems like my swims are always good when it's been a week or so since the last time I was in the pool...

And then, I got home and made lunch and set myself up on the deck with my new book. The sun wasn't out, but it was dry. For about 10 minutes. Then the first raindrop hit, and within 30 seconds it was a downpour. A wall of water streaming from the sky. For hours. Thunder and lightning, too. There's so much water out there, I could go for another swim.

And it hasn't stopped. I have two hours before the group run. I like running in the rain, but the thunder and lightning part makes it not so safe.

C'mon, skies. I wanna get my run done tonight. Just a 90 minute window, please. That's all I need. Then you can release more water if you need to.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Was this the same day I endured water torture? Early morning I just missed the rain, thankfully, but puddle jumped my whole run. Later in the morning I discovered I had left my third row windows open in my car- whole back seat soaked. Middle of the day my "fizzy water" exploded and soaked my lap at the movies with the kids. Later that afternoon my basement flooded. Fun day.