This doesn't do the coloring justice. It was much deeper two days ago!
I was on the sidewalk, on my run on Wednesday, and a car was pulling out of the Wendy's. They were on the sidewalk part of the driveway entrance/exit, and so I stopped. Another car, which was trying to pull into the lot, stopped, waved me by, and I looked into the car in my way and met eyes with the passenger. Neither of the cars moved, so I went in front of the car exiting. I put my hand on its hood, and slid it across as I ran past. When I was right in front, the driver decided that was the best time to exit the lot. Apparently, a runner in front of her car wasn't a deterrent...
As she hit the gas, her grill/front bumper area hit into me and popped me out into the road. I kept running, because it wasn't like she was going fast enough to really hurt me, but I turned to give her a look. As I did, someone in her car was yelling. I just kept going.
I kind of laughed it off with my friends when I arrived at the running store after I finished my 8 miles, and then sort of forgot about it for the next couple days. Friday, I noticed a bit of discomfort in my left leg around the outside of my knee. That's when I noticed the deep purple/yellow bruise. Huh. Where'd that come from? I thought. I couldn't remember banging it at school or anything. Weird.
Then today, two days after noticing the bruise and 4 days after the bump from the car, I realized that's where the bruise came from. Duh.
Does it hurt? It looks like it does. I know it's not major, but you should get it checked out just in case.
Wow, that's a bruise. Hope it heals.
Ugh. I know it doesn't seem serious but coming from someone who's been hit by a car... see if you can contact the Wendy's and get the person's license plate number. Or post on craigslist and ask if someone has info. In case it becomes somthing major (hopefully not!) it's easier to get this info the close it is to when it happened.
As a runner, I'm uber sensitive of runners/riders. I wish others were to.
That's scary, but I'm glad it wasn't worse.
Stupid Wendy's consumers!
Sweet Jeebus! Glad you're okay.
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